Tonight I am happily putting together my new coupon book and putting away my receipts for 2011. Yes, I do keep all of my receipts AND I keep a spreadsheet so I will know how much I am saving and how much I am spending every month. I didn't make the spreadsheet but it is a great tool!
My total savings for 2011 is....drum roll please....... 46%!
This is how it breaks down...
Store Price $5,099.12
Coupons - $2,749.82
Out of Pocket $2349.30
That is less than $200/month!
There are some purchases from co-ops that are not included in these figures. I am going to try to incorporate those this year.
My goal last year was to save at least 50% but I didn't quite make it. I would like to strive for that again this year but I think it will be much harder. The price of food is going up and unfortunately, the value of the coupons seem to be going down. There are many stores that have changed their coupon policies too thanks to some that abused the system. :(