My Blog

My blog has morphed over the years into different things. It is a place to learn about saving money, product reviews, cooking, gardening, and homesteading. It can take you to whatever has my attention at the moment and then back to the day to day. I hope you will learn something here and come back often.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Great Giveaway

Ok, so I'm on the computer early this morning. I was up until 1:00 a.m. trying to get my printer to work because I have to get tax forms out today. I am running through my regular routine, check email, check facebook and find a great post from Money Saving Mom. There is going to be a give away of the Homestead Blessings dvd set. These are great dvd's. I get their email updates and I've told my husband (hint, hint) that I would really like to get the set. They have one about breadmaking that I would really love to watch. All of them look great since I can my own foods and grown my own garden. There is even one about candlemaking that my boys want to watch to use in Royal Rangers!

So anyway...I tend to ramble when sleepy! You can go here to sign up.

Good luck. If you win, please invite me over to watch!

Remember God today... He remembers you.

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