My Blog

My blog has morphed over the years into different things. It is a place to learn about saving money, product reviews, cooking, gardening, and homesteading. It can take you to whatever has my attention at the moment and then back to the day to day. I hope you will learn something here and come back often.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Rain Days

Ok, so we all know it's coming, right?  The forecast says rain beginning today (Friday) and ending Monday.  They are predicting 5-8 inches of rain, hail, and possibly tornadoes. So, how are you going to spend your weekend?

This morning I ran to town to do all of my errands so I don't have to get out again until this is over.  I'll be honest, I have every intention of sitting down, reading my magazines that I never have a chance to open, and then taking a long, well-deserved nap!  After that, well, that's when the work begins again.

I have done a quick inventory of my freezer and pantry.  In the freezer I have flounder, crab meat, and chicken breast strips.  I am going to create next week's menu around these items and extras that are in the pantry.  I am already planning on Chicken Cacciatore.  I will have to look around and see what I want to do with the flounder and crab meat.  I have lots of frozen veggies that will fill out the rest of the menu.

Just so you grocery budget for this month was $149!  That is really great considering I really did not do much with coupons.  My savings for the month was only 30%.  This just goes to show you that you can still feed your family well on a budget even if you don't have time to devote to coupons. 

Next month I am planning on getting back to the coupons and see how much I can save!

The next blog...MONTHLY PLANNING!

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